Tuberculosis (TB) Testing
Tuberculin Skin Testing, also commonly referred to as TST, TB, or PPD testing is often required for employment or admission to school. In particular, anyone working in or entering the medical field must show proof of a negative TB test.
Some schools and employers require TB testing from a blood sample. Two blood tests are available; T-Spot and QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT). Passport Health Oklahoma offers these TB tests in all of our offices.
Testing can determine if you have been exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, often just referred to as Tuberculosis or TB.
For TB skin tests, a small amount of the tuberculin is placed under the skin on the forearm with a return appointment scheduled 48-72 hours later for examination of the administration site.
The TB blood test requires 2-4 days for results.
Nurses can provide the skin or blood test on-site at your work or school. Passport Health Oklahoma will send trained staff to your location to provide the TB testing and will return 2-3 days later for skin test reading.
Lab Services and Blood Titer (Antibody) Testing
Immunity testing is also known as antibody or titer blood testing, and is available at all of our offices. Common immunity tests include Hepatitis B, MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), and Varicella (chickenpox) titers. Nursing programs, CNA programs, and phlebotomy programs require immunity testing as do many other allied health programs including Radiology Tech, Respiratory Therapy, and Dental Hygiene.
We can also draw for nearly any other lab test you need including A1C, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), Complete Blood Cound (CBC), and Vitamin D.
Rabies Antibody (Immunity) Test
Veterinarians, veterinary students, or others working with animals are recommended to receive rabies immunity (antibody) testing every two years if you live in a rabies enzootic region per CDC. Antibody testing is only needed if you have first received your pre-exposure rabies vaccination series. A sample of blood is drawn from your arm and sent to a laboratory and results typically take several weeks to return.
If you have not yet received your rabies pre-exposure vaccinations, we offer these as well!
Vitamin B-12 Injections
Vitamin B-12 is required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis. It may also increase energy levels and promote a strong immune system.
Some individuals, especially older adults and those with pernicious anemia have difficulty absorbing vitamin B-12. Several studies confirm that up to 15% of adults are deficient in vitamin B12. Common medications such as omeprazole (Prilosec®), lansoprazole (Prevacid®), cimetidine (Tagamet®), famotidine (Pepcid®), ranitidine (Zantac®), and Metformin® may decrease absorption of vitamin B-12.
All vitamin B-12 injections at Passport Health are given by licensed nurses with extensive injection experience. Monthly B-12 injections are an easy option at Passport Health, call and schedule an appointment today.
Occupational Blood and Urine Testing for Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, & Zinc
Certain individuals are exposed to high levels of heavy metals due to their work or home environments. Passport Health offers urine and blood testing to ensure exposure levels are within recommended ranges.
- Lead (Pb) whole blood test
- Arsenic (As) urine test
- Mercury (Hg) urine test
- Lead (Pb) urine test
- Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP) whole blood test