When one is pregnant, it is absolutely one of the most thrilling and exciting journeys that a mom and their unborn child share together. Whether you are a seasoned traveler, or just beginning with your first vacation, traveling while you are pregnant can be an incredible experience. Both mom – and baby gets to take in the sights, sounds, and foods from an amazing destination. Here are some tips to travel safely during pregnancy.
Is It Safe To Travel During Pregnancy?
If you are at risk of having a preterm delivery, your practitioner may advise you not to travel. The best time to travel is between 14-28 weeks, around the second trimester, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Most airlines will allow pregnant women to fly up to 36 weeks pregnant.
Talk To Your Doctor
One of the first things that you should do when you have made your plans is to speak to your obstetrician and let them know that you are going on a trip. They will be sure to examine you to make sure that both you and your baby are in tip-top shape and ready to travel. For the most part, it is safe for pregnant women to travel, unless there are pregnancy complications.
Travel Insurance
You will want to make sure that everything is in place before you leave. This includes checking to see what your insurance policy covers and if your medical insurance covers anything. If they do not, it is a wise choice to acquire travel insurance, which will usually cover things like visits to a hospital if need be, and medications that a doctor may write for you. Do make sure that you know your delivery date as your obstetrician has stated it, so if you’re abroad, you’ll know what to tell a doctor if need be.
Walk Around On The Plane
When sitting in one spot for too long can increase the risk of a serious blood clot. Make sure that you try to get up and walk around when you can. You can ask your doctor how often you should get up. If you book an aisle seat, you will be able to easily get in and out of your chair to move, without having to climb over anyone else’s seat. In addition to that, you can also ask your doctor if wearing compression stockings will work as well.
Assure You Have The Proper Vaccinations
At your visit with your obstetrician before you leave, you will want to speak to them about any vaccines that you may need before you leave. This includes vaccines that are needed in order to enter the country you are visiting.
Passport Health also offers travel medicine services and can help you get where you’re headed. Call or book online to schedule your appointment today.
Jennifer Passmore is a stay-at-home mom, writer and beader. She loves creating art with her words and through her jewelry. She is also a passionate mental health advocate. You can find more writing at her website Positivity In Pain.