Everyone loves to travel, but sometimes life events can get in the way. Work, school, and social commitments can make taking a vacation challenging. Family can also make travel challenging, especially for people who are just starting one. Many people believe that traveling is impossible while pregnant, but, by following a few simple tips (and talking with a physician, of course!) it can be just as fun while pregnant as it would be at any other time.
Traveling while pregnant is generally safe unless otherwise indicated by a physician. Before planning a trip during pregnancy, however, talk with your primary care doctors about what you will be doing and whether it is advisable to do so. A doctor may recommend changing travel plans slightly depending on your specific situation.
The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the best time for travel as morning sickness has generally ended and other related early risk factors are reduced. Some airlines do have rules regarding pregnant travel, and these are typically related to having medical approval before traveling during the ninth month.