Although cholera has been around for centuries, scientists haven’t always known what causes the disease.
In 500 BC famous philosopher Parmenides said “Give me the power to produce fever, and I’ll cure all disease”. Physicians in these early times noticed that their patients symptoms were drastically improved following a fever. Hippocrates, the Greek Physician noted that malarial fevers calmed his epileptic patients and several other physicians followed suit. The most notable physician to use fever therapy as a treatment is Austrian psychiatrist Julius Wagner-Jauregg in the early-20th century.
We have all heard of the infamous COVID-19 parties. Most of these gatherings were put together in order for individuals to train their immune systems to fight off the infection through exposure. One could say that they were organized immunization parties.
There is something inherently special about traveling. From the amazing sights that you will see to the people, you spend it with, even down to the delicious foods you will taste, traveling is all about making memories. Traveling can actually boost your mental health in a variety of ways.
Vaccines are responsible for the extinction of childhood diseases that plagued the world in early times. Diseases like diphtheria were once considered the plague for children. These diseases were responsible for millions of child deaths worldwide until the 1920’s and 30’s when widespread vaccination became integrated into healthcare.