There is something inherently special about traveling. From the amazing sights that you will see to the people, you spend it with, even down to the delicious foods you will taste, traveling is all about making memories. Traveling can actually boost your mental health in a variety of ways.
Boosting Your Creativity
When you are immersed and surrounded by brand new cultures, sights, sounds, and smells, you will find your mind more open to new things. It also can boost your creativity. Just think of all the incredible pictures that you can take or the people that you can sketch. All of those activities can give you that mental lift that you need.
It Boosts Happiness
Even the thought of mapping out a trip is enthralling to think about, and that makes all the tasks that go with the planning go that much easier. Just thinking about it can give your brain a boost. A study that was done at Cornell University actually found that the anticipation of the trip is comparable, if not more exciting than purchasing a new car. Even before you go on your trip, it’s making you happy.
It’s Self Care
When you come to think about it, traveling is actually an excellent form of self-care. Not only do you get to visit the destination of your dreams, but you have the freedom to do whatever you wish, even if that is staying in and reading a good book. It’s all about what’s good for you. It helps you to rest, relax, and live in the moment.
Connect With Nature
Surrounded by the beautiful flora and fauna that the area you chose has to offer is a great way to well, basically, “stop and smell the roses.” It gives us moments and beautiful settings that we can practice mindfulness in. Taking the time to breathe in that fresh air and just enjoy it is something special, especially if you are connecting with nature. That can be done through things like taking hikes, foraging for food, searching for buried treasure with your child, really anything can connect you with nature.
Increase In Physical Activity
We all know that when we are out walking or exercising, we are doing good for our physical health, but did you know that helps with mental health as well? Even just walking around the city can release dopamine levels, which in turn make us happy. So, definitely get in some physical activity where you can, whether it’s climbing stairs or taking a hike.
Planning a trip? Make sure you can fully enjoy it with vaccines and travel health advice from Passport Health. Call or book online to schedule your appointment today.
Jennifer Passmore is a stay-at-home mom, writer and beader. She loves creating art with her words and through her jewelry. She is also a passionate mental health advocate. You can find more writing at her website Positivity In Pain.
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