Motion sickness is something that affects many people, and it can make traveling quite uncomfortable. But what does motion sickness actually feel like? It can differ from person to person, but some of the most common symptoms include:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Cold sweats
- Pale skin
Why Does Motion Sickness Happen?
The reason motion sickness happens is because there is a disconnect between your senses, most notably, the inner ear and the brain. The inner ear is part of a system called the vestibular system. In this system, three pairs of semi-circular canals and sacs send information about what is going on around you to your brain. Sometimes these signals can get confused and that is where motion sickness comes along to make life just a little more unpleasant.
What Does Motion Sickness Feels Like?
For example, if you happen to enjoy reading, and you are in the backseat of the car doing so, your brain will register your body as being “at rest,” while the parts of your inner ear can sense that the vehicle is moving. This confuses the signals sent to the brain, and you begin to feel that familiar queasy feeling that comes along with motion sickness. Perhaps dizziness begins to set in, too.
Motion sickness can happen in all kinds of situations. For example, you could be on an airplane, sitting in your seat, or you could be on a boat, and get a “seasick” feeling, which is actually motion sickness. Everybody is different, though, so while one person may suffer from severe nausea, another person may just get a small amount of dizziness.
Who Gets Motion Sickness?
Motion sickness can be prevalent in children, typically between the ages of two and twelve. They can grow out of it, though. Pregnant women are also at a greater risk of experiencing motion sickness. People who are taking certain medications can also be prone to experiencing it. When it comes to women and men, women tend to get motion sickness more than men.
How Can Motion Sickness Be Prevented?
Motion sickness can be prevented by a variety of methods. If you know that you are prone to motion sickness and you know that you are going to be riding in a car, try to make sure that you ride in the front seat. It is important to face forward while traveling, as this can reduce the risk of motion sickness. Fresh air and drinking plenty of water is also important in helping to prevent feeling ill.
If you find yourself feeling ill, there are a couple of things that you can do. There are acupressure bands that you can place on your wrist. They place a certain amount of pressure via a button on the band, that will stimulate your P6 pressure point, inside your wrist, which has been shown to give ease to nausea. Inhaling the scents of peppermint, or sucking on a peppermint or hard candy can assure your mouth does not get dry. There are also medications that you can try, but you should always talk to your doctor first before trying any new medicines.
Motion sickness can make a trip a headache. Find a solution for you with Passport Health. Call or book online to schedule your appointment today.
Jennifer Passmore is a stay-at-home mom, writer and beader. She loves creating art with her words and through her jewelry. She is also a passionate mental health advocate. You can find more writing at her website Positivity In Pain.
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