Peru is a top travel destination in the world. With its ruins, trails, and jungles, Peru attracts over 3 million visitors in a year. Like most other excursions, travel to The Land of the Incas requires proper precautions. There are certain health risks to be aware of, such as yellow fever.
What is Yellow Fever?
Avoid mosquitoes and other bugs
Insect-borne disease are a
threat throughout the world.
Keep the bugs away with
Passport Health’s repellent options!
Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne viral illness. The illness can range from mild to severe with organ damage. Symptoms usually develop 3-6 days after infection. The first developed symptoms usually include:
- Sudden onset of fever
- Chills
- Severe headache
- Body aches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Weakness
- Fatigue
Many people begin to improve after the initial display of infection.
About 15 percent of cases progress into a more severe form of the disease. Serious symptoms such as a hemorrhagic fever and jaundice develop. The infection can lead to shock and organ failure. Death occurs in 20 to 50 percent of severe cases.
There is no specific treatment for yellow fever. It is always best to vaccinate against yellow fever before leaving to be better safe than sorry.
Is the Yellow Fever Vaccine Required for Peru?
A yellow fever certificate of vaccination is not required for entry into any region of Peru. But, some regions are at a much higher risk than others, and yellow fever vaccination is recommended by the CDC.
All travelers 9 months and older going to the following regions of Peru should receive the yellow fever vaccine:
- Amazonas
- Loreto
- Madre de Dios
- San Martin
- Ucayali
- Puno
- Cusco
- Junin
- Pasco
- Huanuco
The vaccine is also recommended in designated areas of some other regions. You can check with your travel health specialist to be certain of your risk before traveling.
Other countries, like as Ecuador and Paraguay, require a yellow fever certificate of vaccination when arriving from Peru or other countries with a high risk of yellow fever infection. Depending on your travel itinerary after leaving Peru, you may need proof of vaccination.
What is the Yellow Fever Vaccine?
The yellow fever vaccine is the most important preventive measure against yellow fever. It is safe, affordable, and effective for 10 years after injection. Reactions to the vaccine are mild, if any are to occur.
If you are considering vaccination, Passport Health is an approved yellow fever vaccination center. After vaccination, you will receive an International Certificate of Vaccination for your travels.
What Other Health Risks Are in Peru?
All travelers going to Peru should be up to date on their routine vaccinations. Other recommended vaccines for Peru include Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Rabies.
Malaria and zika are also present in Peru, so take precautions to avoid these mosquito-borne illnesses. The following are tips to avoid mosquito bites:
- Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, as well as a hat and boots.
- Use an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellent.
- Stay in enclosed places with air conditioning that use window and door screens. If you may be exposed to mosquitoes when sleeping, use a mosquito bed net.
Traveling to Peru?
If you are planning to travel to Peru and are considering vaccination, you can talk to a Passport Health travel specialist about your concerns. Schedule an appointment by calling or booking online today.
Have you ever been to Peru? Tell us about your visit in the comments below, on Facebook, or via Twitter.
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